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about our course!

Phonemic Awareness is a critical skill the brain uses
in processing words.

eBook: What is Phonemic Awareness?

The ultimate guide on phonemic awareness

If you missed it . . .

eBook: The Discovery that Changes Everything!

Learn what surprised neuroscientists when they studied how the brain processes words.

Order the course and curriculum here

Find the description and prices for the course and all the curriculum at this site. When ordering, ACSI schools can use the Discount Coupon CS10 to receive a 10% discount on all courses and curriculum.

Course: Brain-based Literacy Instruction

Our course is designed with interactive video and demonstrations. 

The complete syllabus for this online course includes:


RoxieReading is an ability-based curriculum that implements this research.  Some schools use it as a phonics curriculum in the regular K – 3 classroom. Other schools use it as an intervention curriculum for dyslexic and poor readers. 

It is a unique curriculum that can be used for a wide range of grades. 

Indiana Department of Education
Approved Dyslexia Training

Association of Christian Schools international
Approved Training