About Us
Teaching Basics was founded in 2002 specifically to meet the needs of all types of struggling readers, including those with dyslexia. Using RoxieReading, struggling readers in Grades K – 11 were taught in intervention groups in schools and in small groups outside of school. Pre- and post-test data was collected using the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-R. Their gains were rapid and exponential.
At the request of teachers who saw the difference in their students, Teaching Basics began training teachers in 2006 in schools in Indiana and Montana. This face-to-face training was conducted in both public and private schools. Teachers began implementing RoxieReading after two days of training and then were coached in the implementation in an additional three days over a period of three months. Some schools implemented this program in their Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention groups, while other schools also implemented the program in the regular K-3 classrooms to prevent reading failure. A sample of data collected from some schools is attached. There was a significant difference in the reading achievement between students who received this instruction and those who did not.
In 2017, this training was placed online to meet the needs of teachers who were unable to attend the face-to-face professional development workshops. Teachers who have been trained are also available for on-site demonstrations at the request of schools. At this time, hundreds of teachers have been trained in RoxieReading. Our mission is to provide the knowledge, tools, and curriculum that will make a significant impact on reading achievement, even for the lowest achiever.
The Curriculum
Teaching Basics publishes RoxieReading, a one of a kind program that teaches the foundational reading skills in the same sequence the brain processes words. Unlike other programs, RoxieReading teaches the code in the same order that the brain uses, introducing the sound first and then the spelling of the sound. Other programs, even phonics programs, teach the code backwards making it more difficult for the lowest achievers to make gains quickly. Using the distinctive approach of RoxieReading, you will see exponential gains in reading achievement for the dyslexic reader and other low achievers. Reading gains are fast and permanent.
RoxieReading is both research-based and research-validated. It is based on thirty years of scientific research of the brain as well as the latest research on instructional methods. Every strategy and principle has been research validated to produce significant reading achievement in classrooms, in intervention groups, and with individual students.
Dr. Roxie Sporleder bio