
In this course, you will learn the scientific foundation for teaching reading that will bring extraordinary results for all learners. We will build a framework for teaching reading that identifies the skills and their relationship to each other.  You will learn how to assess and teach these skills in a way that meets the needs of all students.

This course has two sections:  Foundations and Advanced Skills.  Upon completion of both sections, you will receive 30 Continuing Education Units as well as a certificate as a Specialist Trained in Dyslexia.

You will need the book, Brain-based Literacy Instruction, for extra information on the concepts and for resources used with activities. Read each chapter that corresponds with the Workshop.

How the Brain Reads

Brain-Based Literacy Instruction: Introduction and Chapter 1

How Poor Readers Read

Brain-Based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 2

The Forgotten Learner

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 3

Hearing Sounds in Spoken Words

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 4

Phonemic Awareness Games

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 5

The Graphemes

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 6

The “Real Rules” of English

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 7

Spelling Before Reading

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 8

Decoding Words

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 9


Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 10


Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 11

Assessing Reading Skills

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 12

Identifying Dyslexic Students

Brain-based Literacy Instruction: Chapter 13

Next Steps

Assess a Student
Teach a Student