RoxieReading 2 provides powerful tools that strengthen reading skills.
RoxieReading 2 is designed to meet the needs of those who know the alphabet and some of the common graphemes beyond the alphabet but may not be able to decode well.
RoxieReadng 2 provides a strong foundation in short vowels for students who already know the alphabet.
Overview of Lessons
- 53 Lessons
- Teaches most of the 127 graphemes of English
- Teaches prefixes and suffixes
- Teaches phonemic awareness
- Pacing: 1 - 2 Lessons per week
- Each lesson consists of 8 to 9 multisensory activities
Sample words from first lessons:
crush jumpy flops fixed
Ability Level
The keys for making the decision:
- These students know the alphabet and the sounds they represent.
- They are weak at decoding the simplest words.
- Their knowledge of short vowel sounds in words is weak.
- They know some of the graphemes beyond the alphabet but need to learn more.
- They may be reading as low as the preprimer level.
It is suitable for these students.
- Classroom: Grade 2
- Remedial: Grade 2 students
- Struggling Readers or Special Education students Grade 2 - 12